La Pesquera Beach


La Pesquera Beach

River beaches

Quintanilla de Ónesimo

983 68 11 58 / 983 68 00 01
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Quintanilla de Onésimo (Valladolid) also has a small bathing area, at the foot of its beautiful Renaissance bridge, in the so-called“pesquera”, an area where the Duero retains its great flow and on whose left side water is diverted to the Duero Canal. It is easily accessible (on foot) via a small pedestrian bridge.

If you enjoy activities such as fishing, it is a good place to cast your rod, as bathing is currently forbidden, as the area is not authorised.


  • Remember that you are in a natural environment, preserving it is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Make sure that bathing and other sports are allowed in the area.
  • Respect the regulations in force at all times.


Más: acceso, dispone de un puente peatonal, para poder tener acceso a pie.

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Información de contacto

Quintanilla de Onésimo, Valladolid, Castilla y León, 47350, España

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