Lagoons of Padilla de Duero

Padilla de Duero
Strolling along the old road of Padilla in search of the harmony of its natural environment, barely 1 km from the town centre (and 3 km from Peñafiel) we find the so-called Pardilla lagoons, recently restored to preserve their natural habitat.
These are several areas of lagoons located at the foot of large pine forests between Padilla de Duero and the course of our river on its left bank. This place is suitable for different activities, such as fishing, bird watching or birding ( although it does not have a hut for bird watching), hiking or cycling, as it is 100% cyclable all the way.
These lagoons have a great variety of flora and fauna, both seasonal and migratory:
- Flora: reeds, cattails, duckweed, algae, poplars, tamarinds and pines take centre stage.
- Fauna:
- Mammals: red squirrel, hare, horseshoe bats, foxes, rabbits, roe deer, bats, genets, stone martens, martens.
- Reptiles: green-black lizard, ocellated lizard, lizard, collared snake, ladder snake, viperine snake.
- Amphibians: common frog, common toad, common toadlet, common toadfrog, St. Anthony’s frog, gallipata.
- Gastropods: land snail, slug.
- Insects: dragonflies, butterflies, mosquitoes, water scorpion, cobbler.
- Fish: red crab, black bass.
- Birds: among the birds that inhabit this territory at different times of the year, we can distinguish the birds that stay in the lagoons and the migratory birds.
- Stagnant birds: coot, goshawk, imperial eagle, common buzzard, mallard, coal tit, crested lark, marsh harrier, blue tit, common bunting, little bittern, grey heron, moorhen, great cormorant.
- Migratory birds: osprey, spoonbill, booted eagle, swallow, cattle egret, little egret, house martin, teal, white-fronted goose, white stork.
There is a parking area for bicycles and it is also accessible by car (unpaved road).
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