Miño de San Esteban

Miño de San Esteban


Miño de San Esteban

669 713 604
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Miño de San Esteban is a small town located 12 km from San Esteban de Gormaz and one of the villages in the province of Soria that forms part of the Ribera del Duero designation of origin. Its most emblematic building is the Church of San Martín, in Romanesque style, dating from the end of the 12th century, with an arcaded gallery.

Another peculiarity of this church is the unique tower attached to it, used as a bell tower, which rises majestically overlooking the fields of Miño.

The village has an area of wine cellars located within the town centre itself, which are still partially in use, and several wine presses, one of which has been restored as a municipal picnic area, another as a museum and a third converted into the first wine cellar in the municipality included in the D.O., “Cuarto Lagar”. Cuarto Lagar”.

It also has green zones and recreational areas.


Más: pmorenomontejo@yahoo.es

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