
13 kilometres from Aranda de Duero, in the direction of San Esteban de Gormaz, we find this town of prehistoric remains.
Vadocondes was born, in history, during the repopulation of these lands in the 9th and 10th centuries, suffering the attacks of Abderramán III and Almanzor. Situated on what was once a ford over the Duero, it was a royal town with its own administration.
The result of the historical and cultural evolution of Vadocondes has shaped a nucleus declared as “Bien de Interés Cultural” with the category of Historic Site since 2008 by the Junta de Castilla y León, proof of which, a gothic jurisdictional roll ( reformed in the 18th century, it is “Bien de Interés Cultural”), the church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción and several architectures with the arms of the Austrian family still survive. In addition, the village of Vadocondes had a walled area dating from the 15th century, of which the two access gates or arches remain:
- Burgos Gate (facing south) consists of a wide round arch with large voussoirs, dating from the early decades of the 16th century.
- The New Gate (west-facing) replaces the Imperial Gate, which dates from the reign of the Catholic Monarchs. It was ordered to be rebuilt in 1796, as it was in a ruinous state due to a great flood of the river 20 years earlier, which left the foundations of the arch exposed. The coat of arms that we can see today on our arch was an important element in the previous Imperial Gate and was cleaned and repaired to be placed on the new arch. This coat of arms belongs to the royal, imperial coat of arms of the Catholic Monarchs.
Vadocondes has two hermitages:
- Ermita de San Cosme y San Damián, erected at various times in history from the late Middle Ages to the 19th century.
- Ermita del Humilladero, built around the year 1602 by a married couple who, in their will, donated it to the Vera Cruz brotherhood to ensure its upkeep.
On the outskirts of the village is the hill known as “Cuesta de San Millán”, where the underground wine cellar district of Vadocondes is located, with a total of 78 cellars and 116 wine presses.
If we talk about our great river, two magnificent bridges cross Vadocondes, crossing the Duero: the water bridge or old bridge, and the metal railway bridge designed by the engineer Theóphile Seyrig (Gustave Eiffel’s partner).
In addition to the cultural and artistic interest of Vadocondes, there is also the possibility of walking a small circular path called “Sendero de los Valles” (Path of the Valleys), or walking along stage 9 of the GR-14 Douro Trail, or you can even look out over the Douro River from the jetty.
Vadocondes celebrates its patron saint’s fiestas in honour of San Cosme and San Damián on the last weekend in September. There is also a festival on 15 August in honour of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, patron saint of the church of Vadocondes.
Vadocondinos is the name given to the people of Vadocondes.
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