Aviso Legal

The CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO is a non-profit Consortium registered in the Junta de Castilla y León, with C.I.F V-09462516, located in Aranda de Duero, Plaza del Trigo nº 10, 3º. The customer service telephone number is 947 107 254, and the general e-mail address is hola@riberate.com

  • The CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO is the owner of the brand name Ruta del Vino Ribera del Duero, of the domain names and Internet pages accessed from the domains: www.rutadelvinoriberadelduero.com
  • www.rutadelvinoriberadelduero.es
  • www.rutadelvinoriberadelduero.org
  • www.rutadelvinoriberadelduero.eu
  • www.rutadelvinoriberadelduero.com
  • www.rutadelvinoriberadelduero.eu
  • www.rutadelvinoriberadelduero. info

Likewise, the CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO is the owner of the brand Ribérate, of the domain names and Internet pages that can be accessed from the domains:

  • www.riberate.com
  • www.riberate.es
  • www.riberate.org
  • www.riberate.eu
  • www.riberate.info
  • www.riberate.net

The aim of the CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO website is to publicise the work of the Consortium, its areas of work, the projects it has carried out and other promotional activities related to its associates and the territory it covers to all Internet users. Intellectual property All rights reserved.

The texts, images, sounds, animations, video and the rest of the contents included in this website are the property of the CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO.

For any transmission, distribution, reproduction, public communication, making available, transformation, manipulation or storage, in whole or in part, it is necessary to request the CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO its use in writing, which will determine its consent, if applicable. The logos of the RIBERA DEL DUERO WINE ROUTE CONSORTIUM, as well as its trade names, trademarks, slogans, packaging, typography and other elements susceptible of industrial property are registered by the RIBERA DEL DUERO WINE ROUTE CONSORTIUM and are its property.

In the case of the Ribérate brand, registered in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Agency, in class 16, with number 2.918.261 and registration date 17th June 2010, the members may use it in promotional supports, trying, as far as possible, to accompany this brand with the logo of the Route.

It is not authorised to modify, alter or relate the Ribérate brand with any other brand other than that of the RIBERA DEL DUERO WINE ROUTE CONSORTIUM. This website may contain technical link(s) to external pages for which the RIBERA DEL DUERO WINE ROUTE CONSORTIUM accepts no responsibility in any case either for the contents or for any other aspect related to these pages or their access.

The RIBERA DEL DUERO WINE ROUTE CONSORTIUM cannot guarantee the absence of computer viruses or any other harmful component or condition on our web pages or on the servers that make them available. The CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO, excludes, to the full extent permitted by Spanish law, any liability for damages accompanying or arising from the use of these web pages.

All the information and data described on the website have been extracted from reliable sources and refer only to the geographical area of Spain. The CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may be caused by the accuracy, veracity or completeness of this information, or the use that may be made of it.

Under no circumstances shall it be understood that, by accessing this website, the user obtains a licence or authorisation for the use, beyond strictly private use, of any content, information or service existing on the website or of any rights related to them, especially intellectual and industrial property rights.

This legal notice is governed in each and every one of its aspects by Spanish law.

The CONSORCIO RUTA DEL VINO RIBERA DEL DUERO reserves the right to store the IP addresses of users accessing the website in order to create access statistics, track user movements and gather broad demographic information as a whole. This information is stored for the maximum time required by law.

Confidentiality and privacy policy

This data will be processed in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), for which Consorcio Ruta del Vino Ribera del Duero is responsible.

The interested party may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting the person responsible for the file by e-mail at digital@riberate.com or by post at Plaza del Trigo 10, 3º C.P.09400 Aranda de Duero (Burgos).

Likewise, the interested party expressly authorises Consorcio Ruta del Vino Ribera del Duero to send him/her commercial information by e-mail, in compliance with article 21 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE).

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